Website: Cast Us! Hire Us! page with member-provided Headshots, short Biographies and LinksWebsite: Cast Us! Hire Us! page with member-provided Headshots, short Biographies andWebsite: Cast Us! Hire Us! page with member-provided Headshots, short Biographies anWebsite: Cast Us! Hire Us! page with member-provided Headshots, short Biographies Website: Cast Us! Hire Us! page with member-provided Headshots, short BiographiesWebsite: Cast Us! Hire Us! page with member-provided Headshots, and short Biographies x



  • Website,
  • Website: Member-only page of videos from all our Events, Performances and Socials – viewable worldwide!
  • Website: Authors! Authors! Books written by DO40 members
  • Interactive Facebook page (over 120,000 fans)
  • Website: Cast Us! Hire Us! page with member-provided Headshots, short Biographies and Link
  • Dynamic Youtube channel (over 1,000,000 video hits)
  • Discounts to all our Panels, Performances and Events
  • Annual Membership Meeting
  • Annual Membership Directory
  • Bi-Annual Hard-Copy Newsletter
  • Application to the Actors Federal Credit union (subject to their approval)
  • DO40 Phone Hotline, 212-330-7016

To make your payment by credit card or Paypal:

Join online to become a Member or Friend of DO40 using your credit card (AMEX, MC, Visa or Discover) or Paypal account.  (You do NOT have to join Paypal to make a credit card payment.)

Dancers Over 40 Membership:
(For those who live in New York, New Jersey or Connecticut)

1 year: $45.00

Dancers Over 40 Membership:
(For those who live outside the Tri-State area or outside the USA)

1 year $35.00

Dancers Over 40 Logo


Dancers Over 40 invites you to become a

Due to the overwhelming response to our panels, performances and socials, we’ve received many requests from dancers UNDER 40 and their friends to join DO40. Well, we have a special category for you! FODO 40! Friends of Dancers Over 40! Enjoy our newsletters, receive e-blasts about upcoming programs and discounts for admission to our events –all the benefits that a DO40 member gets when joining

So, if you’d like to join us on our creative journeys, please print out the pdf form here fill it out and mail it to Dancers Over 40, P.O. Box 2103, NY, NY 10101. You can also join by using your credit card or Paypal account.. Our website has all the information and forms you need to join by mail or online..  

Friends of Dancers Over 40 Membership (FODO 40):
(For those who live in New York, New Jersey or Connecticut)

1 year: $45.00)

Friends of Dancers Over 40 membership (FODO 40):
(For those who live outside the Tri-State area or outside the USA)

1 year: $35.00

To Make a Donation:

To make a donation with your credit card, click on the button below:


Please consider the opportunity to support DO40 on a more significant level (see below).  
We cannot provide all of our services without your support! 

Your membership dues and/or any donation to DO40 is tax deductible (as covered by laws governing 501c3 non-profit organizations).


PRODUCERS: $10,000 – $19,999
DIRECTORS: $5,000 -- $9,999
CHOREOGRAPHERS: $3,000 – $4,999
STAR SPOTS: $2,500 – $2,999
DANCE CAPTAINS: $2,000 – $2,499
UNDERSTUDIES: $1,500 – $1,999
CHORUS: $1,000 – $1,499
STAND-BYS: $500 – $999
SWINGS: $250 – $499

Of course, Dancers Over 40 accepts donations of ANY size.
All are appreciated and help us promote our mission!

To make a donation with your credit card, click on the button below:


To make your payment by mail:

The DO40 Membership Form may be printed by clicking on the "Join by Mail" link below.
You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view/print this Membership Form (PDF File).


Get Adobe Acrobat Reader

Mail the completed form to:

P.O. Box 2103
New York, NY 10101

We’re here for you – now more than ever…

Please check off your correct DO40 or FODO 40 Box, and support all these wonderful dancers you’ve seen perform, educate and entertain you at our panels (and here in our videos!).  Remember, other organizations can provide dancers with social, health and employment services, but DO40 first and foremost nurtures their souls.  It’s a very difficult thing to quantify – and there is no appropriate check-off box for that when applying for a grant!  So please take time to fill out this membership page and support these wonderful people who have given their lives to entertain you.  It’s our History, our Legacy, our Lives.

Background Photo 2016 LARRY FULLER PANEL, By Jeff Eason, Wilsonmodels, Inc